How important is it to have images with a news article?

In the modern journalism industry, often the print journalist is asked to photograph and the photographer is asked to write. The crossover between the two mediums has been expedited and simplified with the rise of modern technology and now we see both trained journalists and citizen journalists using mobile devices to report and distribute news.

But is this causing photographs in the news to suffer without the proper training to make good images or grow with the expanded accessibility? Is the value of good images being undermined or supported by the use of modern technology and the abandonment of the trained photojournalist?

Form and Content: Can artists use the internet to benefit their career?

Only two-thirds of artists receive any type of payment for their art work (Pew  2004). In an economy where artists are out of work twice as often as the rest of the workforce, what are the solutions to remedy this problem?

Alternative publishing websites for photographers – A list of crowd-sourcing, self-publishing, training, and resource links

Photography is about seeing. Therefore, seeing more options of where to publish your work expands the possibilities of success.

This is a list about alternative online platforms to publish photo essays/multimedia, find resources, and just look at incredible images.

Upcoming Event: Sept. 21 @6:30-8 pm Meet N.Y. Times’ Multimedia Editor

Per Sandeep Junnarkar:

Join Andrew DeVigal, the multimedia editor at The New York Times, as he discusses how interactive projects are conceived, reported, and produced at one of the most popular news sites in the world. DeVigal will also address how The Times pursues and integrates user-generated content beside the work of some of the world’s top journalists.

DeVigal has been at The New York Times since 2006 and in that time the work on his desk has won several awards including an Emmy for “One in 8 Million” and Emmy nominations for “Choosing a President” and “A Year at War.”

This free event is open to students, alumni, faculty, staff, and guests of the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.