That Elusive “Voice”

A few of you asked me during our one-on-ones about the idea of “voice” that I mention in my grading rubric. Here’s a nice chat on the writer’s voice – inspired by music – from Roy Peter Clark of the Poynter Institute, a great writing coach I trained with years go: How to incorporate tone, rhythm & voice in your writing. Roy also has a piece on the blogger’s voice: From Pepys to Your Peeps, Finding Your Voice as a Blogger. Let me know what you think of these pieces – good or bad.

There’s also available, free through the Research Center, Poynter NewsU webinars like this one: Write with Voice and Tone: Poynter Writing Series. If anyone’s interested in watching the webinar in a small group, so that we can discuss it together afterwards, I’d be more than happy to arrange and join in.

Remaking the toxic Gowanus Canal

Once a vital transportation channel for Brooklyn’s heavy industries, the toxic Gowanus Canal was named a federal Superfund cleanup site in March 2010. Until now, little work has been done, but in spring 2012, the first remediation project will be completed: the Gowanus Sponge Park, intended to soak up harmful pollution before the toxins can reach the waterway.

Here are a few photographs of the canal and the surrounding areas. Continue reading

Form and Content: Can artists use the internet to benefit their career?

Only two-thirds of artists receive any type of payment for their art work (Pew  2004). In an economy where artists are out of work twice as often as the rest of the workforce, what are the solutions to remedy this problem?

Three Things You Didn’t Know Were in Obama’s Jobs Bill – UPDATED

What does this cellular tower have to do with Obama's Jobs Act? (credit: jpstanley, Flickr)

It’s no omnibus spending bill. But President Obama’s American Jobs Act contains more than just the tax cuts and retention bonuses that have made headlines.

Buried deep within it are several provisions that seemingly have little to do with job creation. We look at three of them.

Continue reading