Photo Essay: Handling the Text; Good Student Work

A couple of folks have asked how to differentiate the photo essay’s lead-in blog post of 200-300 words from the 25-50 word text captions accompanying your 8-10 images.

I’d think of your lead-in post as a stage-setter, helping your audience understand the point of the photo essay to come, and providing them with background and context sufficient to entice them to view the photos that follow. The captions can then help illustrate that story, providing additional context with each image.

It’s okay if the post text and the captions echo each other, sort of like a good overture. Just don’t make them match too closely, or readers will have the uncomfortable feeling of “Haven’t I read this somewhere before?”

Exemplary Student Work

Another student asked for examples of exemplary student work, rather than the stuff the big-shots do. Here are a few: